Boss - Irish's Thaddeus of Tuscola (GCH** Irish's Master Jake x CH Irish's Queen Oakley of The Marsh). He started this season as a 2 1/2 yr old and is co-owned with Mike St. Pierre. Boss is featured in the banner photo for this page.
Josey - GCH** Irish's She's The One (MBIS Fitzhugh's Bag The Limit x CH Irish's Zia Sun Princess) Josey and Gary heading out for the 2016 Pheasant Opener out behind our place today. Josey was 14 back in August, this is her 13th Opener. It was just a short outing, but they did put up one hen and Josey had fun.....that's the important part!
Ginger - Irish's Princess Of The Flats (Fall Flights Fowlnatic x Irish's Galloping Gadwaled Of Priorview). Ginger is co-owned with Robert Townsend.
Leroy - (CH Irish's Gallant Knight x Irish's No Backin' Down). He's the youngster of the group this year at just 5 months old when going out for the Michigan Youth Hunt in September. He is owned by Seth Arborgast.
Foreman - GCH Irish's I'm A Knock Out (CH Irish's Gallant Sailor x CH Irish's Crown Princess). Another slow season on the river this year, but he and Gary did get some action.
Betsy - Irish's I'm The One To Watch (CH Irish's Clover Leaf Trinity x CH* Irish's Royal Princess Azula). These are a few photos from Betsy's first hunt at 14 months old. We took her out with Foreman so he could show her the ropes. We went out behind our place for real wild birds. Seen three roosters flush - got one. One flushed wild, one flushed that Foreman put up and Gary shot. While that was going on, another flushed that Betsy was working - but no gun near.
Mackenzie - (GCH Irish's I'm A Knock Out x HR Irish's Great Lakes Nor'Easter SH CGC WDX). Mackenzie is owned by Alan Schupbach.
Willie - (CH Irish's Marsh Monarch x GCH Irish's Tigress Of The Knight), he's just 2 yrs old & this is his first season. Co-owned with Nate & Julie Reed.
Carlos - (GCH Irish's I'm A Knock Out x CH Irish's Macha Gaiscioch) Owned by Mike & Stacey Bernethy.
End of season report from Mike -
2016 gave up the ghost hard. Today was the last day for us we ended at 526.
Carlos turned 5 December 7th. Ended the season today at 98 lbs and very lean. He has impressive stamina. As always LOVE Carlos he is at the top of his game. Great companion too! Smart loyal all the Chessie stuff you would expect.
End of season report from Mike -
2016 gave up the ghost hard. Today was the last day for us we ended at 526.
Carlos turned 5 December 7th. Ended the season today at 98 lbs and very lean. He has impressive stamina. As always LOVE Carlos he is at the top of his game. Great companion too! Smart loyal all the Chessie stuff you would expect.
Finn - (GCH** Irish's Master Jake x Irish's No Backin' Down). Finn was a bit over 18 months at the start of the season. He is owned by Mike Rupp. This photo was from their trip to SD.
Sadie - (GCH** Irish's Master Jake x Irish's No Backin' Down). Sadie started this season at 18 months old. She is owned by Mark & Merideth Hyjek. Here's a report from Sadie's owner, Mark from the day they got the Pintails. -
Sadie did great. It took us longer the get our shooting skills together than her retrieving skills.
We got in position about 2:30 and acclimated her to the new area. We were in a concrete pit blind in Missouri for the afternoon hunt. We put her blind behind us on top of the blind so she could watch the action. She did nothing but stare at the sky for ducks. Of course it helped that we sat and watched at least 20 to 40,000 Show geese and specks the entire afternoon hunt. It was the first time in my life I actually saw a “ tornado” of geese that never stopped. Of course that was about a quarter mile from where we were. Distracting but still exciting to see.
The first three groups came in and we didn’t drop a duck. Empty guns and no ducks. She got out of her blind walked over and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I guess it was her way of saying it was ok. Ok, I hope that is what she was saying. After that the hunt was on. We shot 4 pintails that she retrieved 2 gadwall 8 Green heads. Then legal hunting hours were over. Days like this I have never seen before. Ducks were everywhere. It turned out to be a great day for all of us. Hope you enjoy the pictures I did my best in the weather and excitement! She amazes me daily.
Sadie did great. It took us longer the get our shooting skills together than her retrieving skills.
We got in position about 2:30 and acclimated her to the new area. We were in a concrete pit blind in Missouri for the afternoon hunt. We put her blind behind us on top of the blind so she could watch the action. She did nothing but stare at the sky for ducks. Of course it helped that we sat and watched at least 20 to 40,000 Show geese and specks the entire afternoon hunt. It was the first time in my life I actually saw a “ tornado” of geese that never stopped. Of course that was about a quarter mile from where we were. Distracting but still exciting to see.
The first three groups came in and we didn’t drop a duck. Empty guns and no ducks. She got out of her blind walked over and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I guess it was her way of saying it was ok. Ok, I hope that is what she was saying. After that the hunt was on. We shot 4 pintails that she retrieved 2 gadwall 8 Green heads. Then legal hunting hours were over. Days like this I have never seen before. Ducks were everywhere. It turned out to be a great day for all of us. Hope you enjoy the pictures I did my best in the weather and excitement! She amazes me daily.