(Ch. Victor's Ocqueoc Teddybear x Ch. Irish's Bodacious Bonita)
'REED' *
September 8, 1996 - May 27, 2011
Reed was a 5th generation breeding of our kennel. Her breeders were ourselves and Jeff Kendrick. Reed was a very versatile Chessie. She earned her Champion titles in the US and Canada. She was a natural hunting retriever and also earned her AKC Senior Hunter title.
Reed went as far as an AKC Utility Tile. She was the first Chesapeake to our knowledge, to earn a UD title with back to back First place wins, with scores of 190 each day. In 2001 Reed was awarded the CH Eastern Waters Betsy Ross UD Memorial Trophy (ACC). This is awarded to the Chesapeake earning the most points toward a UD title in a given year.
2009 was a good year for Reed at a Veteran. At 13 years old she was awarded:
Best of Opposite Sex at the Kenosha Kennel Club, ACC Supported Entry from the Veteran Class over Specials competition.
Best of Opposite Sex from the Veteran Class over Specials competition at the Canadian National Specialty.
Best in Veteran Sweepstakes at the Canadian National Specialty.
As a producer, Reed gave us our first Winners Bitch at an ACC National Specialty (2003) - Ch. Irish' Mystical Maiden.
In 2006 her son - Ch.* Can Ch. Northwyn's Whispering Reflection JH became the second Winners Dog at an ACC National Specialty for the Irish line.
Reed was co-owned by ourselves and Maggie Fisher. Trained & Handled to her titles by Maggie.
*This is the same dog that is identified at Northywn Chesapeakes simply as CH Reed UD SH.